


作者:   时间:2021-12-20
(1) Dongmei Wang,Xinzi Yu,Kuipeng Xu,Guiqi Bi,Min Cao,Ehud Zelzion,Chunxiang Fu,Peipei Sun,Yang Liu,Fanna Kong,Guoying Du,Xianghai Tang,Ruijuan Yang,Junhao Wang,Lei Tang,Lu Wang,Yingjun Zhao,Yuan Ge,Yunyun Zhuang,Zhaolan Mo,Yu Chen,Tian Gao,Xiaowei Guan,Rui Chen,Weihua Qu,Bin Sun,Debashish Bhattacharya,Yunxiang Mao. 2020.Pyropia yezoensis genome reveals diverse mechanisms of carbon acquisition in the intertidal environment.Nature communications.11(1):4028-4028.
(2) Lu Wang,Junhao Wang,Yunke Zhu,Zhengcai Cui,Fanna Kong,Xianghai Tang,Yunxiang Mao.2020. Development of organelle single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and their application for the identification of cytoplasmic inheritance patterns in Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.39(prepublish):1-11.
(3) Junhao WANG,Yunxiang MAO,Guoying DU,Xiaojiao LI,Xianghai TANG.2021.On microbial community of Pyropia haitanensis by metagenomic analysis.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.39(03):1091-1102.
(4) Ahmed Arsalan,Khurshid Anam,Tang Xianghai,Wang Junhao,Khan Tehsin Ullah,Mao Yunxiang.2021. Structural and Functional Impacts of Microbiota on Pyropia yezoensis and Surrounding Seawater in Cultivation Farms along Coastal Areas of the Yellow Sea. Microorganisms.9(6):1291-1291.
(5) Xing Qikun,Bi Guiqi,Cao Min,Belcour Arnaud,Aite Méziane,Mo Zhaolan,Mao Yunxiang. 2021.Comparative transcriptome analysis provides insights into the response of Ulva compressa to the fluctuating salinity conditions.Journal of phycology.57(4):1295-1308.
(6) Che Shuai,Du Guoying,Wang Ning,He Kun,Mo Zhaolan,Sun Bin,Chen Yu,Cao Yifei,Wang Junhao,Mao Yunxiang. 2021.Biomass estimation of cultivated red algae Pyropia using unmanned aerial platform based multispectral imaging. Plant Methods.17(1):12-12.
(7) Lu Wang,Kuipeng Xu,Xianghai Tang,Junhao Wang,Fanna Kong,Yunxiang Mao. 2021.Construction of high-density genetic linkage map of Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and identification of red color trait QTLs in the thalli. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.2021(prepublish):1-15.
(8) Nianci Chen,Lei Tang,Xiaowei Guan,Rui Chen,Min Cao,Yunxiang Mao,Dongmei Wang. 2019.Thallus sectioning as an efficient monospore release method in Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology.2019(prepublish):1-6.
(9) Dongmei Wang,Wuxin You,Nianci Chen,Min Cao,Xianghai Tang,Xiaowei Guan,Weihua Qu,Rui Chen,Yunxiang Mao,Ansgar Poetsch. 2020.Comparative quantitative proteomics reveals the desiccation stress responses of the intertidal seaweed Pyropia haitanensis. Journal of Phycology.56(6):1664-1675.
(10) Science - Plant Science; Data from Ocean University of China Broaden Understanding of Plant Science (Fine Mapping to Identify the Functional Genetic Locus for Red Coloration in Pyropia yezoensis Thallus). Science Letter,2020:
(11) Chen Yonggan,Zhang Zhenhua,Luo Hongwei,Li Zhen. 2021.Salt tolerance of halotolerant bacteria from coastal soils and sediments near saltern field of Hainan Island, China. Archives of microbiology.
(12) Zhao HongYan,Sun Yan,Du Yu,Li JiaQi,Lv JinGeng,Qu YanFu,Lin LongHui,Lin ChiXian,Ji Xiang,Gao JianFang. 2021.Venom of the Annulated Sea Snake Hydrophis cyanocinctus: A Biochemically Simple but Genetically Complex Weapon. 13(8):548-548.
(13) Tan Wei,Wang Yongbo,Ke Hongji,Liu Hongtao. 2021.The complete mitochondrial genome of Slender Giant Moray Strophidon sathete (Hamilton, 1822). Mitochondrial DNA Part B.6(8):2272-2274.
(14) Hongtao Liu,Mingqiu Yang. 2021.The complete mitochondrial genome of Ternate False Fusus Brunneifusus ternatanus Gmelin, 1791 (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Melongenidae) obtained using next-generation sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA Part B.6(7):2058-2060.
(15) Mingqiu Yang,Hongtao Liu,Rong Wang,Wei Tan. 2021.The complete mitochondrial genome of Purple Spot Mantis Shrimp Gonodactylus smithii (Pocock, 1893). Mitochondrial DNA Part B.6(7):2028-2030.
(16) Yonggan Chen,Zhenhua Zhang,Haonan Zhang,Hongwei Luo,Zhen Li. 2021.Characteristics of soil bacterial and fungal communities on interval seawater covering Linchang Island, China[J]. Archives of Microbiology.203(5):1-9.
(17) Hongtao Liu & MingHui Shen.(2021).The complete mitochondrial genome of spiny spooner Etisus dentatus (Herbst, 1785) using high-throughput sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA Part B(3), doi:10.1080/23802359.1891982.
(18) Liu Hongtao & Pu Liyun.(2021).The complete mitochondrial genome of longlegged spiny lobster Panulirus longipes (A. Milne Edwards, 1868).Mitochondrial DNA Part B, Resources(2), doi:10.1080/23802359.1878952.
(19) Hongtao Liu,and Bingshun Li.2021."Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of convex reef crab Carpilius convexus (Forskål, 1775)." Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6.3(2021): doi:10.1080/23802359.1901618.
(20) Gao Yunze, et al.2020."Spatial distribution of cumulative impact on terrestrial ecosystem of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica." Journal of Environmental Management 279.(2021): doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.111735.
(21) Guo Kun,Zhong Jun,Zhu Lin,Xie Fan,Du Yu & Ji Xiang.(2021).The thermal dependence and molecular basis of physiological color change in Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae).. Biology open(3), doi:10.1242/BIO.058503.
(22) Chaojie Yang.2021."Classification of Muraenesocidae (Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes) in the East China Sea using Morphological and DNA Barcoding Approaches." Pakistan Journal of Zoology .(2020): doi:10.17582/journal.pjz/20191116051140.
(23) Liu Hongtao,and Xia Guangyuan.2020."The complete mitochondrial genome of pronghorn spiny lobster;(Olivier, 1791)." Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6.1(2021): doi:10.1080/23802359.1852899.
(24) Asem Alireza, et al.2021."Reanalysis and Revision of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Artemia urmiana Günther, 1899 (Crustacea: Anostraca)." Diversity 13.1(2021): doi:10.3390/D13010014.
(25) Zhao Muqiu, et al.2020."Phosphorus forms in the sediment of seagrass meadows affected mainly by fungi rather than bacteria: a preliminary study based on 31P-NMR and high-throughput sequencing." Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 49.4(2020): doi:10.1515/OHS-2020-0036.
(26) Ruijing Li, et al.2020."Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water column of Kongsfjorden, Arctic." Journal of Environmental Sciences 97.11(2020):186-193. doi:CNKI:SUN:HJKB.0.2020-11-021.
(27) Zhao HongYan, et al.2021."Venom-gland transcriptomic, venomic, and antivenomic profiles of the spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) from the South China Sea.." BMC genomics 22.1(2021): doi:10.1186/S12864-021-07824-7.
(28) Wang Yongbo, et al.2020."Chromosome Genome Assembly of the Leopard Coral Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) With Nanopore and Hi-C Sequencing Data.." Frontiers in genetics 11.(2020): doi:10.3389/fgene.2020.00876.
(29) Liu Hongtao,and Wang Guofu.2020."The complete mitochondrial genome of Aesop slipper lobster;(De Haan, 1841)." Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5.3(2020): doi:10.1080/23802359.2020.1823274.
(30) Guangshui Na, et al.2020."Occurrence and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmosphere and soil from 2013 to 2019 in the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica." Marine Pollution Bulletin 156.C(2020): doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111173.
(31) Chen Yong-Gan, et al.2020."Distinct Characteristics of Bacterial Community in the Soil of Nanshazhou Island, South China Sea.." Current microbiology 77.7(2020): doi:10.1007/s00284-020-01933-4.
(32) Jiang Fangyan, et al.2020."Isolation, identification, and biological control in vitro of tail rot pathogen strain from Hippocampus kuda.." PloS one 15.4(2020): doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0232162.
(33) Fangyan Jiang, et al.2020."Short communication: recovery of Vibrio vulnificus from head ulceration in seahorse ( Hippocampus kuda )." Aquaculture International: Journal of the European Aquaculture Society 28.2(2020): doi:10.1007/s10499-019-00486-z.
(34) Rongxia Wang et al. 2019. Complete chloroplast genome of green alga Caulerpa sertularioides f. longipes (J.Agardh) Collins, 1909. Mitochondrial DNA Part B,4(2):3573-3574.
(35) Wei Tan et al. 2019.Complete chloroplast genome of red seaweed Halymenia maculata (J. Agardh, 1885). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(2): 2260-2261.
(36) Wei Tan et al. 2019. Complete chloroplast genome of green alga Caulerpa serrulata (Forsskål) J.Agardh, 1837. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(2): 2426-2427.
(37) 钟解,陈石泉,蔡泽富,沈捷,骆丽珍,王道儒. 2021.海南岛海草床分布变化及恢复建议.海洋环境科学, 40(04):542-549.DOI:10.13634/j.cnki.mes.2021.04.009.
(38) 陈永敢,王小琴,谢小玲,李珍. 2021.热带盐场域近海及潮间带沉积物可培养细菌遗传多样性.科学技术与工程, 21(11):4379-4383.
(39) 陈石泉,蔡泽富,沈捷,吴钟解,陈益忠,王道儒. 2021.海南高隆湾海草床修复成效及影响因素.应用海洋学学报,40(01):65-73.
(40) 陈永敢,符明,林佳,李珍,罗宏伟,黄海. 2020.海南莺歌海盐场土壤可培养微生物的多样性分析.基因组学与应用生物学 ,39(12):5593-5598.DOI:10.13417/j.gab.039.005593.
(41) 于振豪,吕岚清,刘文侃,黄馨,李玉洁,卓文琪,陈燕,马军,黄海. 2020.一株海洋发光细菌的分离、鉴定及发光特性.永利集团学报, 27(05):36-42.DOI:10.13307/j.issn.2096-3122.2020.05.06.
(42) 赵牧秋,王慧,王帅,秦福广,陈文滢,陈棣凯,韩秋影,史云峰. 2020.施铁对泰来草幼苗生长及环境铁含量的影响.永利集团学报, 27(05):49-55.DOI:10.13307/j.issn.2096-3122.2020.05.08.
(43) 陈永敢,郭春萍,叶佳媚,李珍,陈川平.2020.应用型本科院校微生物学实验教学改革.现代农业科技,2020(17):241-242.
(44) 刘洪涛,刘金叶,杨明秋,何玉贵,王永波.2020.基于转录组测序的波纹唇鱼SSR和SNP多态特征分析.基因组学与应用生物学, 39(06):2451-2461.DOI:10.13417/j.gab.039.002451.
(45) 刘龙龙,罗鸣,陈傅晓,谭围,刘金叶,王永波,符书源,刘洪涛. 2020.盐度对珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼渗透调节与耗氧率的影响.中国水产科学, 27(06):692-700.
(46) 吴程宏,张羽翔,赵海龙,陈敏,刘维,林国尧. 2020.海南文昌冯家湾人工鱼礁区渔业资源养护效果初步评估.海洋湖沼通报,2020(06):158-167.DOI:10.13984/j.cnki.cn37-1141.2020.06.020.
(47) 李福宇,陈丹丹,李元超,李世尧,侯敬,王道儒,王嫣.2021.澄黄滨珊瑚微卫星标记的开发.基因组学与应用生物学:1-19[2021-12-20].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/45.1369.Q.20200519.1714.004.html.
(48) 姜芳燕,韩冰冰,李语,王辉芳,杨宁,黄海.2020.长尾大眼鲷COI基因序列的遗传多样性分析.永利集团学报.(02):6-10.
(49) 柯宏基,李向民,陈傅晓,樊佳伟,王永波,谭围.2020.基于COⅠ序列的海南岛8个弹涂鱼群体遗传多样性研究.海洋渔业.(02):138-148.
(50) 李元超,林国尧,陈石泉,吴钟解,蔡泽富,沈捷,骆丽珍,庞巧珠.2020.三亚红塘湾珊瑚礁生态系统健康评价与影响因素分析.海洋渔业.(02):183-191.
(51) 刘金叶,王永波,符书源,陈傅晓,谭伟.2019.杉虎斑池塘人工育苗技术.科学养鱼.(12):58-59.
(52) 刘金叶,王永波,符书源,陈傅晓,谭围.2019.海南省豹纹鳃棘鲈商品鱼养殖常见病害发生特点及防治技术.现代农业科技.(24):203.
(53) 刘龙龙,罗鸣,陈傅晓,刘金叶,谭围,王永波,符书源.2019.盐度对珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼生长及鳃肾组织学结构的影响.大连海洋大学学报.(04):505-510.
(54) 刘一霖,陈傅晓,刘欣,王道儒,王平.2019.海南发展水产南繁苗种产业探析.中国渔业经济.(05):55-61.
(55) Chen Huapu,Li Zhiyuan,Wang Yaorong,Huang Hai,Yang Xuewei,Li Shuangfei,Yang Wei,Li Guangli.2021.Comparison of Gonadal Transcriptomes Uncovers Reproduction-Related Genes with Sexually Dimorphic Expression Patterns in Diodon hystrix.Animals.(4):
(56) Chen Huapu,Li Xiaomeng,Wang Yaorong,Zhu Chunhua,Huang Hai,Yang Wei,Li Guangli.2021.De Novo Transcriptomic Characterization Enables Novel Microsatellite Identification and Marker Development in Betta splendens.Life.(8):
(57) 王耀嵘,汪杰,张明真,吴紫薇,李智渊,李广丽,黄海,陈华谱.2021.密斑刺鲀igf2基因的克隆及表达分析.基因组学与应用生物学.(03):1061-1066.
(58) 陈华谱,黄春仁,何睿祺,戴明姝,张明真,李智渊,黄海,李广丽.2021.密斑刺鲀(Diodon hystrix)gnrh基因的克隆及表达分析.海洋与湖沼.(04):994-1006.
(59) 任席林,梁帅淇,钟艳芳,王耀嵘,劳键潼,李广丽,黄海,陈华谱.2021.泰国斗鱼foxl2基因的分子克隆及组织表达模式.基因组学与应用生物学.(01):109-116.