来源 : 永利yl23411集团 时间 : 2020年03月14日

宋宇 博士
2017 –今 永利集团 教授
2020年 美国夏威夷大学 访问学者
2014 – 2017 吉林大学动物科学学院 教授
2013 – 2014 美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校 访问学者
2013 – 2014 吉林大学动物科学学院 副教授
2008 – 2012 吉林大学畜牧兽医学院 副教授
2005 – 2008 吉林大学畜牧兽医学院 讲师
2002 – 2005 北京中医药大学 研究生/医学博士
1999 – 2002 长春中医药大学 研究生/硕士
1994 – 1998 长春中医药大学 本科/学士
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 代表性论文:
1.Yishan Wang ,Xiaodi Zhang , Jiawei Li , Ying Zhang , Yingjie Guo , Qing Chang , Li Chen ,Yiwei Wang , Siyao Wang , Yu Song * , Yongkun Zhao* , Zhihong Wang*. Sini Decoction ameliorates colorectal cancer in mice by modulating the composition of gut microbiota in mice[J] Frontiers in Pharmacology,2021,3. (通讯作者)
2.Xiaodi Zhang, Zhichen Kang, Qingjie Li, Jin Zhang, Sha Cheng, Hao Chang, Shanshan Wang, Shufang Cao, Tie Li, Jiawei Li, Yishan Wang, Yu Song*, Hao Yu*, Antigen-adjuvant effects of icariin in enhancing tumor-specific immunity in mastocytoma-bearing DBA/2J mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2018, 99(3): 810~816. (通讯作者)
3.Yiwei WANG, Xiaodi ZHANG, Yu ZHANG, Xueying FAN, Tie LI, Jiawei LI, Qing CHANG, Li CHEN, Yishan WANG, Qingjie LI, Yu SONG*, Sini decoction alleviates colitis by modulating the composition of the gut microbiota in mice. Microbiota, Metagenomics & Health of 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Asia. 2017,09:19. (通讯作者)
4.Xiao-Liang Wang, Guang-Hou Zhao, Jin Zhang, Qi-Yun Shi, Wei-Xiao Guo, Xiu-Li Tian, Xu-Ming Deng, Yu Song*, Immunomodulatory effects of cinobufagin isolated from Chan Su on activation and cytokines secretion of immunocyte in vitro. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. 2011,13(5):383-92. (通讯作者)
5.Shuang G, Yu S, Weixiao G, Dacheng W, Zhichao Z, Jing L, Xuming D,Immunosuppressive Activity of Florfenicol on the Immune Responses in Mice. Immunol Invest. 2011, 40(4):356-66.(并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
6.HU Jin-ping, LIU Xiao-feng, TIAN Xiu-Li, ZHANG Jin, QUAN Long-quan, SHI Qi-Yun, HE Zhong-Mei, ZHOU Qiu-Li, DENG Xu-ming, SONG Yu*, Effects of Nano β-TCP/Gelatin/Velvet Antler Polypeptide Composites on Restoration of rabbit mandibular defects.The 3rd International Symposium on Antler Science and Product Technology. 2011,P 19. (通讯作者)
7.LIU Xiao-Feng,TIAN Xiu-Li, ZHANG Jin, SHI Qi-Yun, QUAN Long-quan, HU Jin-Ping, ZHAN Zheng-Yao, HE Zhong-Mei, DENG Xu-Ming, ZHOU Qiu-Li, SONG Yu*, Effects of Nano β-TCP/Gelatin/Velvet Antler Polypeptide Composites on the Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization in Human Osteoblast Cells.The 3rd International Symposium on Antler Science and Product Technology. 2011,P 20. (通讯作者)
8.Xiaofeng Liu, Jin Zhang, Guanghou Zhao, Zhengyao Zhang, Jinping Hu, Qiyun Shi, Xiaoliang Wang, Quankai Wang, Xuming Deng, Qiuli Zhou, Xuliang Deng, Yu Song*. Human osteoblast proliferation differentiation and mineralization in response to nano β-tricalcium phosphate/gelatin/ velvet antler polypeptide microspheres. The 5th World Deer Congress Proceedings. 2010,07:233-246.(通讯作者)
9.Zhengyao Zhang, Xiaofeng Liu, Jin zhang, Guanghou Zhao, Jinping Hu, Qiyun Shi, Xiaoliang Wang, Xuming Deng, Qiuli Zhou, Xuliang Deng, Yu Song*. Nano Beta tricalcium phosphate/gelatin/vele antler polypeptide materials stimulates the proliferation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and their differentiation into osteoblasts. The 5th World Deer Congress Proceedings.2010,07:247-59. (通讯作者)
10.Jinping Hu, Xiaofeng Liu, Guanghou Zhao, Jin zhang, Zhengyao Zhang, Qiyun Shi, Xiaoliang Wang, Longquan Quan, Quankai Wang, XumingDeng, Qiuli Zhou, Xuliang Deng, Yu Song*. Reconstruction of rabbit mandibular defects by implantation of Nano Beta-tricalcium phosphate/gelatin/velet antler polypeptide materials in vivo .The 5th World Deer Congress Proceedings.2010,07:269-75.(通讯作者)
11.Xinxin Ci, Hongyu Li, Qinlei Yu, Xuemei Zhang, Lu Yu, Na Chen, Yu Song*, Xuming Deng. Avermectin exerts anti-inflammatory effect by downregulating the nuclear transcription factor kappa-B and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation pathway. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2009,23(4): 449–55. (通讯作者)
12.Na An, Dacheng Wang
, Tongfei Zhu
, Sheng Zeng
, Yongguo Cao
, Jian Cui
, Xuming Deng, Yu Song*. Effects of scrocaffeside A from Picrorhiza Scrophulariiflora on immunocyte function in vitro. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. 2009, 31(3): 451-58. (通讯作者)
13.Cao Y, Song Y, An N, Zeng S, Wang D, Yu L, Zhu T, Zhang T, Cui J, Zhou C, Deng X. The effects of telocinobufagin isolated from Chan Su on the activation and cytokine secretion of immunocytes in vitro. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2009,23(4):457-64. (并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
14.Zeng S, Wang D, Cao Y, An N, Zeng F, Han C, Song Y*, Deng X. Immunopotentiation of Caffeoyl Glycoside from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora on activation and cytokines secretion of immunocyte in vitro. Int Immunopharmacol. 2008,8(12):1707-12. (通讯作者)
15.Ci X, Yu Song, Zeng F,Zhang X, Li H, Wang X, Cui J, Deng X. Ceftiofur impairs pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion through the inhibition of the activation of NF-kappa B and MAPK. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008,372(1):73-77. (并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
16.Xuemei Zhang, Yu Song, Xinxin Ci, Na An, Junwen Fan, Junqing Cui, Xuming Deng. Effects of florfenicol on early cytokine responses and survival in murine endotoxemia. Int Immunopharmacol. 2008,8(7):982-88. (并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
17.Xuemei Zhang, Yu Song, Xinxin Ci, Na An, Yulin Ju, Hongyu Li, Xinrui Wang, Chuntian Han, Junqing Cui, Xuming Deng. Ivermectin inhibits LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines and improves LPS-induced surviral in mice. Inflammation Research.2008,57:524-29. (并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
18.Na An, Yu Song, Xuemei Zhang, Xinxin Ci, Hongyu Li, Yongguo Cao, Mohan Zhang, Junqing Cui, Xuming Deng. Pretreatment of Mice with Rifampicin Prolongs Survival of Endotoxic Shock by Modulating the Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol.2008,30 (3):437-46. (并列第一作者,员工为第一作者)
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